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Dr. Mahbubul Joarder

American Institute of Business & Technology Inc. (AIBT) is registered in the State of New York, USA. AIBT was formed after obtaining the consent of the New York State Department of Education and incorporated through New York State Department of State. Its New York State Department of State NYS DOS ID is # 4722300.

AIBT is authorized to provide lectures, training, coaching, conferences, conventions, seminars and webinars. AIBT has decided to provide Business Management Training programs.

AIBT has specialized very effective courses for Businesses, entrepreneurs, Leaders, Local Government Leaders.

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Student Community Feedback

It’s so simple, yet the rewards wonderful. I am a novice in programming, but thanks to Courselog, no more.”

Margaret Atwood Italy

It’s so simple, yet the rewards wonderful. I am a novice in programming, but thanks to Courselog, no more.”

Yunus Seyhan Dede Turkey

It’s so simple, yet the rewards wonderful. I am a novice in programming, but thanks to Courselog, no more.”

Jessica Hische Vietnam

It’s so simple, yet the rewards wonderful. I am a novice in programming, but thanks to Courselog, no more.”

Yunus Seyhan Dede Turkey

It’s so simple, yet the rewards wonderful. I am a novice in programming, but thanks to Courselog, no more.”

Margaret Atwood Italy

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0 M+
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0 K+
0 +
Successful students
0 %


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Women Executive Leadership Presence


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Essentials of Project Management